Thursday, May 19, 2011

Randy is doing well.

Randy is walking unassisted now.  It is tender for him.  He does have to lay down and ice up his ankles after.  But he is doing remarkably well.  When his work calls he can even work.  They ended up NOT having him answer phones.  He is doing real plumbing work.  With the help of an apprentice.  It really is amazing.  He is talking about taking out the ramp in a few weeks.  I am not in any hurry.  Stairs are very difficult for him.  Isn't it just a miracle that he is walking ahead of schedule?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

counting blessings

I am still working on getting my thank you's done.  It is a big task.  And a great way to count my blessings.
  Back in January when Randy got hurt we paid our own bills.  The next month the church was kind enough to help with one mortgage and a few food orders.  Since then we have had some wonderful generosity of family, friends, and neighbors.
Thank you is not a big enough word to express our gratitude.  We are doing well.  Being thrifty as always, but doing well.  Randy is able to work here and there when they have work for him.  (He isn't able physically to do everything).  I got my promotion so I make enough, when no one cancels, to pay the mortgage (and just the mortgage.)  We still have some savings.  And we have money from our wonderful support system that should carry us through until our lives return to normal!  There are still medical bills being made , our food storage is next to gone, but that is what it was for, right?  Life is good, God is great, our friends are wonderful!  We love you all so much.  We feel very fortunate to have so many blessings in our lives.
THANK YOU!  You are one of the blessings in our lives.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I found one

As Randy has been healing so quickly I have had to find a car to replace his that I sold.   He has to get to work and so do I.  His parents have been wonderful to drive him to his doctor appointments when I couldn't due to work.  I really thought it would be at least 6 months or more before he could drive, let alone work, so I thought I had plenty of time.  I had his permission to sell the old one because it was hard for him to get in and out of it before the accident.  And now he knew he would really have troubles.
I looked daily for a good month on ksl and all over the valley.  I even went to bountiful.  But I found one close to home.  I was able to talk them down $ 1,000.  I was so surprised that they took my offer I asked if I could come back the next day to sign the papers.  I used our tax return plus the money from the sale of Randy's car.   It's an '04 nissan and it is getting better gas miles than the van.  Sweet!  Randy is now the proud driver of the van, as it is much easier for him to get in and out of.   I get to drive a car for the first time in over a decade.  I have to admit, it sure is fun.  Most of my driving it's just me and one or two kids in the van.  I felt like I was driving a house on wheels.  Not anymore.  Of course we need the van when we are all together or for scouts, and other events, so we will keep it.
Randy is able to work here and there for half days.  He has to come home and ice his ankles for hours after to get the swelling down.  He sure is amazing.  I am feeling much lighter now.  Things are still not quite back to normal.  But they are sure close!  Thank you all for your love and support.  We really appreciate all you have done for our family.  It has meant the world to us.  I didn't realize how depressed I was until now that I am not depressed.  Things were difficult before but they are so much better now.  Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

we are so blessed

Randy worked a full day on Monday.  Came home iced his feet, had dinner, then watched Karly's dance performance.  His legs were swollen (not just his ankles and feet) but he didn't complain.

 Today he had his dr. appointment with Higgins.  You should have seen the doctor's face when he asked Randy to walk down the hall.  Dr. H was so proud!  It was like watching a parent see his child's first steps.
When he saw Randy in the office he peeked around the door to see if he had brought a walker or a cane. LOL  Randy is healing so well.  He is my amazing healer.  The doctor said he may have a surgery on his ankles in a year.  I joked that it had to be by December for deductible purposes.  The doctor also said that the long metal screws will break as he gets more mobility.
It is so wonderful to have Randy with us, and doing so well.  It really is a miracle.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Surprising news...Randy is at work today!  His plan was to go to work for half of a day.  But it is already 3:30 and he is still at work.  I called to check on him and he says he is feeling good.  I hope he doesn't over do it.  But I am excited for him to be able to work.  He works for the best people. (McBride Plumbing)  They have been so good to us.
Tomorrow Randy has two doctor appointments so he wont be able to work.  Hopefully he can re cooperate in between.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

oh Crap!

Today was soccer games for the two boys.  After looking for a car I made dinner and we divided up the kids.  Randy wanted to drive so he dropped Tanner and I off at Parkside then continued on to Longview with Cooper.  Karly was at dance and Austen was performing for SLCC graduation.  I knew Tanner and I would have a long wait but I figured Tanner could just play. We were having a nice time, ran into friends even.  But then  he pooped his pants.  We made it to the park bathroom just about the time Randy arrived to take us home. So off we went to take a bath.  OH wait, I don't have a tub.    (He is refusing to shower.  I have had to pin him down to take one.  Like headlock him into my legs. There is LOTS of crying and not a lot of cleaning going on.) So I used the men's advice and gave him a bath in a bucket.   It was working out fine until he emptied the bucket himself.

The water went down the hallway, into the bedroom and on the carpet, and down the furnace vent into my craft room.  It may also be in the furnace room but I have yet to check that out yet.  I had to get a screwdriver to take off the basement ceiling vents so I can try to get the drips to stop.  Ah, good times, good times. (not)
Bath time was therapy time.  Tanner was good and quiet.  I would have a tiny break.  Everyone emerged clean and happy.  Ah, the good  'ol days.  But no worries.  No child was harmed in the making of this story.  There wasn't even any yelling.  (I know right?)  ALL of the kids jumped in with towels for a large clean up.  Yes, you heard right, All of them, without being asked.  If it wasn't for Karly we wouldn't have known the downstairs had a flood.  And Cooper was the first one on the scene for the hallway.  Austen even unscrewed the vent while I typed.  I squeegeed the bathroom and re-did the kids efforts.  Randy watched from the bed and didn't even yell (at the kids anyway.  He only raised his voice when I suggested that we hire someone to put a tub in the basement bathroom.)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

thank you!

Thank you everyone who has helped our family in one way or another.  From dinners and rides to money.  I am so touched at how many people are willing to do so  much for us.  I feel as if we have won the lottery!  Randy is still not working, but all of our bills are being taken care of thanks to all of you.  I am doing all I can.  The kids are also contributing.  But we wouldn't be able to do it all without all of your help. Thank you for your love and support1