Thursday, May 5, 2011

oh Crap!

Today was soccer games for the two boys.  After looking for a car I made dinner and we divided up the kids.  Randy wanted to drive so he dropped Tanner and I off at Parkside then continued on to Longview with Cooper.  Karly was at dance and Austen was performing for SLCC graduation.  I knew Tanner and I would have a long wait but I figured Tanner could just play. We were having a nice time, ran into friends even.  But then  he pooped his pants.  We made it to the park bathroom just about the time Randy arrived to take us home. So off we went to take a bath.  OH wait, I don't have a tub.    (He is refusing to shower.  I have had to pin him down to take one.  Like headlock him into my legs. There is LOTS of crying and not a lot of cleaning going on.) So I used the men's advice and gave him a bath in a bucket.   It was working out fine until he emptied the bucket himself.

The water went down the hallway, into the bedroom and on the carpet, and down the furnace vent into my craft room.  It may also be in the furnace room but I have yet to check that out yet.  I had to get a screwdriver to take off the basement ceiling vents so I can try to get the drips to stop.  Ah, good times, good times. (not)
Bath time was therapy time.  Tanner was good and quiet.  I would have a tiny break.  Everyone emerged clean and happy.  Ah, the good  'ol days.  But no worries.  No child was harmed in the making of this story.  There wasn't even any yelling.  (I know right?)  ALL of the kids jumped in with towels for a large clean up.  Yes, you heard right, All of them, without being asked.  If it wasn't for Karly we wouldn't have known the downstairs had a flood.  And Cooper was the first one on the scene for the hallway.  Austen even unscrewed the vent while I typed.  I squeegeed the bathroom and re-did the kids efforts.  Randy watched from the bed and didn't even yell (at the kids anyway.  He only raised his voice when I suggested that we hire someone to put a tub in the basement bathroom.)


  1. I know this isn't funny but I had to laugh....especially when Randy "raised" his voice about installing the downstairs tub. Too funny.
    It was so good to see Randy walking at the dance concert! I've been the lamest friend but you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Thanks Wendy. And it's okay to laugh. I would too if it wasn't in my house:)
