Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Jeff stopped by Monday night to give us the rocks that people signed from the benefit and to visit.  I still can't get over the generosity of all of you.  Jeff had sold two more trips and brought the checks over.  Amazing!
 On Sunday my mother-in-law left her camera with us.  She had some great pictures of the benefit dinner.  I hope to post them as soon as I figure out how.

On Monday my father-in-law took Randy swimming for pool therapy while I was at work.  That was so nice of him!  Thank you.  I got home from work at 7:30.  Someone in the ward had brought a yummy dinner.  It was so nice to be able to eat a warm healthy meal.  Thanks Kate:)  The little things really help a lot.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

check it out

On Saturday I took Randy and Tanner to the pool for another work out.  Randy is able to walk on his own with a swim noodle for balance so I swam laps with Tanner.  Check out how purple and blue Randy's feet are when he is upright.  I pout my foot next to him for a comparison.  His feet match the bottom of the pool.

And just to show you, his feet are also purple when up in the chair.

While at the pool I kept telling Tanner that he is the best swimmer ever.  On the way home Randy tells him," I know your the best swimmer.  But you know what your not so good at?  And I know you can do it?"  Tanner bites and says 'what'.  Randy says," you could be the best seatbelt wearer."  Tanner says, "No, I can't.  I can only be the best at one thing or else I will get confused.  So I will just be the best swimmer."

Boy is that kid sharp!  I can't get enough of his toothless grin. Adorable.
And let's here it for the lovely care giver Wendy! (who, by the way, hates cold water.)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day two in the pool

After I got home from work Randy helped me study for my upcoming test.  Then I took him and Tanner swimming.  We lucked out again and had the whole place to ourselves for the first half hour.  Tanner happily took pictures of us.  I wish I could have taken a picture of him taking pictures!  He was hilarious.
Randy was doing so well that I let go and he was able to walk on his own.  He did laps for about 20 min.  Then we soaked in the hot tub and met some people who are here on a ski vacation.  It sure was nice to enjoy a normal outing together.  Then home to shower and make dinner.  Now I am off to the gym if I can just get the little boys to be a bit more harmonious before I leave.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We made it to the pool for the first time

I took Randy and the two boys to the pool today after school (Thursday).  We all had such a wonderful time.  The boys got along well.  I was able to help Randy into the pool.  I brought along a swim noodle to help give Randy something to hold onto in the water.  It worked great.  I helped him walk laps for probably a half hour.  He said his right big toe was feeling better after a few laps.

Afterwards he was able to, with a little help from me with his legs, wiggle his way into the hot tub.  That felt nice for both of us.  He was able to get back into his chair.  But he even said if we stayed longer he would have been too weak to use his arms to get back up.  We did use a stool, which helps.
Cooper was asking how Randy got from the pool to the hot tub.  I told him he used his arms and bum.  He said,"I know, but when I tried to do it I couldn't.  How does he do it?"  Randy really is strong in his upper body still.  Thank goodness for that.  I can't wait to take them along again tomorrow.
I left the camera in the car because I had a lot to carry in today.  I wasn't sure how much of a hassle it would be to get Randy into the water.  It went quite well.  I will take pictures next time.  I actually am planning to let the boys be my photographer.  (this picture is from the future Friday) I forgot to mention that we had the pool to ourselves.  Which was just super!  It helped to ease the anxiety for all of us.  After we got out a family came in.  Perfect timing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pool here we come

Randy's parents were kind enough to take him to see the spine doctor on Monday(I had work).  They said Randy's spine is healing so well that he doesn't need to wear his brace anymore.  He was so excited he texted me right away.  The doctor said he may need surgery down the road.   But for now all is well.

Today I took Randy to see Dr. Higgins.  He told us that his pelvis is healing well.  His feet are also doing well.  He is not to bear any weight yet, but he can start to do some walking in a pool of chest deep water.  This will help to slow down the atrophy in his legs so he can be strong enough when the time comes to stand.

Randy called his friend Mr. A who manages a hotel.  He gave us permission to use the pool.  How sweet is that?  It should be less crowded than other pools, and it will be free.  Such a wonderful blessing.  We are all excited to start this therapy.  This means we are on step two of healing.  Yippee!

Our bishop and stake president came over to visit tonight as well.  The bishop gave us a generous donation from an anonymous person. I just can't say thank you enough.  We had an enjoyable time talking with them.  President Hall left us with a word of prayer.  We are very blessed to have so many wonderful supporters.


The benefit dinner did amazingly well.  I never would have dreamed it would be so profitable.   The men were able to raise enough money to re-pay people for the hard cost of our remodel.  There was also enough money left to pay most of what we anticipate Randy's out of pocket for our medical bills.   This is a gigantic blessing.  Randy isn't done making bills so it is hard to know.  But a huge burden has been lifted.  I am sure we can make it however long it takes before Randy gets back to work with the help of the church and all of you good people.
And  although we have some savings, we can't stay afloat each month on my income even with the help from the church.  If we use our saving to live off of then we would run out of money to pay the bills.  Or if we pay the bills, we run out of money to live off of.  You get the idea.  So thank you all for your generosity!  We are truly touched.  I know that there are so many people who are struggling right now.  Thank you for opening your hearts to us.  We are so grateful for all you have done for us.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What a wonderful Benefit Dinner

The benefit dinner was wonderful.  The place was packed with friends and family.  I thought I would get there and cry.  But instead it was like a party and everyone could make it!  Fun times were had by all.  Randy lasted longer than expected.  I thought he would be in pain for it, but so far so good!  I think it lifted both of our spirits more than we could have imagined.  Here are some of the pictures Steph took for me.
At a time where there is so much need in the world, with so many people who need help of some kind, I am so touched that everyone would take time out of their busy lives to come and donate to my family.  It really means the world to us.  I hope you all know how much we love and appreciate all of you!
 Part of the group.  We guesstimate that there were 250 people there.
 my dad and his neighbor Jennifer R
 Tanner and his friend Blake
 Teri and her baby Payton
Nikki and the wonderful centerpieces, with Mayor Snarr doing the auction in the back.

 And notice the cute center pieces?  Dan Turney made them.  Aren't they so cleaver?!(  He is the man who document with pictures Randy's fall.)  They are made out of rappelling rope and webbing.

I could really feel the love in the room.  I wish the night had never ended.  The rappelling boys really did a great job.  Nice and organized.  I was super impressed.  I still can't get over the fact that someone dreamed this up and then made it all happen for us.  It really is more than I can wrap my brain around.

 Ned Hacker and Jack Lucas
 More of the crowd
 Cooper, Randy and Dan Snarr
 Kim and Andrea Nielson above.  Below you can see where the slide show Janson made was going on.

Dan and Jeff

 Randy's parents Ron and LuJane
 Austen and Randy
Wendy and Drue Krehl
 The Erekson Family
 My mom
 Jeff's sister and Bro in law Joe
 Me with my Brother's famly
Denise Dredge with Amy
Jennifer Lund and Rebecca Gibbs
 My friends Juli and Kristen at the payment table.  I believe that is HeatherMiller working the table.
Melody and Josh Christensen

I knew at least 90% of the people there.  I am sure Randy knew 100% of them.  It was so great to see everyone come together like this.  It was so heartfelt.  Like renewing our vow's without having to do any of the work.  Or like a funeral without the sadness.  Just wonderful.  We are so blessed.  You are all so wonderful.  May the Lord bless you for all of your generosity and kindness!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Can you believe our benefit dinner is tomorrow?  Me either!  Every time it gets mentioned Randy becomes 'emotional'.  He just can't get over how many people care about us.   I just can't imagine it.  Every one every where I go tells me, "we will see you at the dinner."  It is hard to imagine all of the people I love and care about in one place at the same time.

 Our house has been so busy and sleep deprived I can't believe my last post was on Tuesday.  But I guess it makes sense.  Cooper is sleeping better.  Randy and Tanner could use some improvement.  And when they sleep better I will too.  Randy's nurse suggested he take benedryl to help him out.
I spent four hours on the phone yesterday trying to sort out and pay some of our medical bills.  Then I brought in the mail to find...more bills....  The mail box isn't always my friend these days.

And how is it that it only takes a minute to make a mess, but an hour to clean it up?  It seems my time at home is limited, and I can't get on top of things.
Tomorrow is a special Saturday to me for many reasons.  One of course, is the dinner.  But also it is my last Saturday morning training! (at least for a while)  It has been months since I could have a day off.  I can't wait.
Thank you everyone for continuing to follow our blog and wish us support.  Randy is really struggling emotionally right now so your thoughts, calls, and visits, help out a lot.  I work quite a bit so it helps to break up  his day.
His next appointments are Mon and Tue so there will be new information soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sold the saturn

The saturn is sold.  I had two interested parties and I was holding out for the most money.  But then Randy's uncle Robert called and wanted to purchase it.  I was surprised.  But it all worked out.  I gave them the friends and family discount along with full disclosure of the cars issues.  I also can't find the title.  I will need to go and get a duplicate.  However this is the first vehicle that Randy purchased and did all the paperwork by himself.  So I don't think my name is on the title.  I wonder if I will have to take him with me to get a duplicate?  Good thing I was selling it to people we know right?
Tanner and Cooper have been having issues sleeping.  Last night Cooper just couldn't sleep.  He kept coming into my room to ask what he could do.  The last visit I had from him was at 4:30 A.M.  Boy is he going to be tired today at school!  Tanner was up at 2 or 3 still.  Lucky for him he has afternoon kindergarten.
It is going to be a long day.  On the other hand I sure do love having extra space in the garage!
Randy's pain was out of control the last few days.  Back to tears.  The doctor's office called him in a different pain medicine and my mom was nice enough to pick it up yesterday while she was tending and I was working.  I hope it can help. It is not a narcotic, which is fine, maybe he wont be as groggy on it.  Last night was a painful  night for Randy.  So I hope today can bring some relief.  He will be out of blood thinner today so I will have to go pick that up for him.  The pharmacy already knows me by sight, but now it's getting ridiculous. LOL

Friday, March 11, 2011

doing more each day

Here is the latest pictures of his legs.  His scars are healing up quite nicely.  His right ankle 'hurts' all of the time.  He wraps it in it's own blanket and calls it a burrito.  I have been making him do more for himself each day.  See his reacher pole in the picture?  He has started to 'need' it.  He doesn't complain, but I know he wishes I would do more.  But it is for his own good.
Tanner's teacher called me yesterday.  She said he just sits there and doesn't finish his work.  I know that last week he was putting dad on every thing at school.  Poor Tanner is so worried about dad.
Last night was Jordan Dredge's wedding.  I had a work meeting, Karly had dance, Austen had work.  So Dan came and took Randy and boys to it.  I was able to show up for the last ten minutes.  It was our first outing that wasn't medical.  I had a great time.  Randy lasted about 45 minutes before his discomfort got the better of him.

The Shelton's van is fixed.  My mom told her hairdresser and friend Sue.  Sue told her husband, who told an old work friend, who happened to be my brother's neighbor that we borrowed the first van from.  Any rate, they fixed her lift and door.  I lent her the saturn for the two days it took to fix it.  And then drove her to pick it up.  So good for her.  Randy has found our van to be more comfortable for him now that he can move a bit more.  Still not using his feet, but he can scoot into the floor of the van and then onto a seat.
What a small world!  Thank you everyone for your help and concern.

I am selling Randy's saturn.  He can't drive for a while, plus it sits too low for him even when he gets 'better'.  With a broken pelvis and spine it will be too difficult.  I plan to buy a mid sized car to replace it with.  I will drive the mid-sized car instead of the van to save on gas.  We will hold on to the van because that is the only thing Randy can get into for now.  Let me know if your interested in purchasing it.  I have it posted on ksl Ad:  # 4098434

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

thank you for all of your well wishes

Everyone has been so kind to us.  From people in the ward bringing in meals, to sympathy cards and even money.  It is all so welcomed and appreciated.  Today I was feeling rather down and sorry for myself. When I came home late from dropping Karly off to her book club, and lending out our car to Becky Shelton I discovered a wonderful get well card filled with money and gift cards.  It was not signed.  Another random act of kindness. (It is the bird card in the middle)Thank you generous mystery person!
This, along with the card from my high school friend Rickee I got in the mail today really helped to lift my spirits! Thank you.
 Cooper is super impressed by it.  He seems the most excited to open our cards.  I wonder if it is because he was too sick to open his before?
Thank you everyone who has and is continuing to help us.  The meals were a big help.  I feel so overwhelmed with working extra and the stress of bills and family life that not having to think of what to make for dinner was so wonderful.
 Receiving money is a big stress reliever.   I honestly breath a bit lighter each time.   It also makes me feel guilty because I know that everyone is going through tough times in this economy.  We are no more special than anyone else.  But I am ever so grateful for your generosity.
  To all of your sweet thoughts and kind words, the encouragement, the people who can relate to our situation, the close friends who let me whine, the saints who let my kids play at their houses, to you I say thank you.  I am reminded everyday how blessed we are to have such great people in our lives.  I am ever so grateful to be on my journey of life with you.
"People are more important than things." Grandma Margret Alder

Monday, March 7, 2011

benefit dinner

Jeff and friends have planned a dinner to help raise money to repay the good people who have remodeled our home.  Here are the details:

Friends of Randy Willes,
Benefit Dinner & Auction

We have benefited from Randy's selfless service and cheerful smile over the years, now its our turn to help pay him back.
A Fund-raising benefit is being held for Randy to help cover cost after he was injured in a hiking accident. Proceeds will assist with medical expenses, lost wages, and cost to make his home wheelchair accessible.

Date:       March 19, 2011
Time:      6:00 p.m.
Location:  Boys & Girls Club of Murray:
               244 E. Myrtle Street (East side of State St. between Vine and 53rd S.)
               Murray, Ut 84107 (see map below).

Spaghetti Dinner $10/each or $50/family
Door Prizes
Silent Auction
Live Auction (Mayor Snarr Auctioneer)

A glimpse into some of the exciting auction items include:

Climbing & Canyoneering Gear from:
Imlay Canyon Gear
Additionalcompanies that expressed interest:
Rockexotica, Mammut, Petzl, IME.

Climbing Gym Passes:
Momentum climbing gym
Rockreation climbing gym

Canyoneering Trips:
Heaps Canyoneering Trip
Imlay Canyoneering Trip
Choprock & Neon Trip guided by Ram

Additional Items:
Hale Center Theater Season Tickets
Garage Door Opener
Professional Makeup
Many more items not listed.

This will be a great event for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there (bring a friend) and thank you for your support.

RSVP: Reply to benefit4willes@gmail.com , this will help us in planning, but don't let it keep you away if you forget to reply. 

Please pass this on to all your family and friends.
The roll in shower is so sweet

 Wheel chair accessible sink.  His legs go underneath so there is no cabinet.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sunday March 6

It was quite the weekend.  Randy is doing well.  Our friends and neighbors have been good to us.  I have been extra busy.  Austen's friend and friends dad took him to the auction to buy a new car.  I think he did well.  He is excited.  Tanner has cried a few times because he would like to take a bath.  He got to take a bath at my mom's house today.  We both miss having a tub in the house.
Grateful that Randy can take a shower though.
The learning disability conference was great. I gained some useful knowledge for work and home.
I took the little boys to classic skating for their school fundraiser.  They had a blast!  Some girl told Tanner he was the best dancer ever and gave him a dollar.  He was super excited.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A new day

Our friend Dr. Rossen was able to call and talk to Dr. Higgins our surgeon.  They had a long talk.  In the end Dr. Higgins will not release Randy to any one for pain management.  He is still prepared to have Randy off of the oxy   in 6 weeks from his post operation date.  He did write another prescription as we are out of the other one.  Now we have to get to the U to pick it up.  Dr. Higgins called and spoke to Randy this morning.  He was quite surprised to hear how much pain Randy is in.  He 'allowed' Randy to take the 15 ml every 4 hours that the E.R. and Mark R. and Randy had already started on right before our trip to the ER.
So for now, Randy's pain is under control and we will just take it one day at a time.  I filled the script from the E.R. so Randy won't have to worry about running out and having out of control pain again for days.
I had my yearly doctor appointment and refilled my prescriptions (okay, all but one.)  It has already made a difference in my energy levels which helps my mood.  Since my hysterectomy and thyroid surgery keeping my levels normal has been quite a trick.  But today is a great day so I am going to live in the moment.
Our friends the Allred's moved away about one year ago to Nevada.  Today Ryan surprised us with a visit.  He and Randy are having a great talk as we speak.
I was able to get a scholarship which will allow me to go to the LDAU conference tomorrow.  It is for work.  I will be going alone but I am still looking forward to it.  Karly has the day off of school so everything is falling into place.  Randy should be well taken care of.  It is in Provo and I will leave at 4 so not a big deal.
In other breaking news:  The Murray paper want to come and take pictures of our house and interview me next Saturday.  I must admit I am a little bit anxious.  I hope I do okay.  It is because Jeff told them about Randy's accident and all of our random acts of kindness that people have done for us.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday= boy am I tired

Tuesday night we decided to take Randy to the E.R. for some pain management issues.  Our doctor would not return phone calls since Monday.  Randy had a lot of pain for the entire day.  So at 8pm he took and extra oxy to try to get control of the pain.  He even took a valium without me asking him to.  But the pain was too great.  He cried/sobbed for over one hour.  So at 9pm I packed him up, told Karly to put everyone to bed and I drove him up to the U.  We waited for a long time.  We got seen around 11pm.  We were not discharged until 3:30 A.M.  Arrived home at 4am and I was off to work and dropping kids at school at 8:30.  I work until 3, then I pick the kids up.
For my lunch break I stopped in to take Tanner to school.  Randy was able to sleep for some of the morning.  I didn't gear him up or feed him today because I slept in.  So I did all of that when I got back.  My mom had been sitting with him and Tanner.  Randy's parents arrived as I was leaving.
The E.R. ran some blood work and took another x-ray to see if there was anything causing his new pain.  They didn't see anything.  His pain is located in the front part of his ankle.  They told us that there is a large plate right where it hurts.  Our friend Dr. Mark Rosen called our surgeon and us.  He suggests that we find another doctor to take over the pain management side of his surgery.  We really like this idea.  One, because he will be good at what he does, and two, we need someone who responds and can help Randy.  This is a long journey and he can't rehab if he is in too great of pain.  We think our surgeon is a great surgeon.  But our issue is pain management.
Here he is at the E.R. we had a space in the hallway.  I mocked him for smiling for the picture.  I told him he was suppose to be in pain.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pain is getting the best of him.

I don't have much time to write lately.  Here are some recent photo's.  They are from yesterday.   Randy is in a lot of pain lately.  His drug withdrawls are still with him.  I don't see him sweating anymore though.  His doctor isn't letting him have more than 3 days of pain pills at a time.  He lays in bed because everything hurts.  Depression is sneaking in on him.  Anyone in pain gets this way.  The past 6 hours today have been rough.

Tanner had a tooth pulled yesterday.  We sold Austen's car.