Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No more boots!

Today is the day Randy can take his boots off and walk.  He wasted no time.  I was at the chiropractor first thing this morning.  I came in the back door and Tanner rolled into the kitchen in Randy's wheelchair and told me that he tied daddy's shoes.  He can walk in them without holding on to anything!  He exclaimed.
Sure enough it's true.  We are all happy about his news.  Randy says that his right ankle hurts a bit.  The left one is better.  He had to do his ankle stretches to help out with the pain.  He even walked downstairs today.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

let the games begin

Soccer season has started for our two little boys.  Both games are at the same time on opposite sides of Murray.  Karly had a track meet one hour before the games.  Austen took Tanner and dropped of Randy to be with him. Then he dropped Cooper off to be alone.  After track Karly and I rushed to be with Cooper.  While at the game Austen called to let us know that Cooper's cat Oreo was hit and killed.
Cooper and Austen were devastated.  They both cried and cried.  Then Cooper called his friends to come over and help him make a coffin out of wood.
And in the all about Randy news, he is still swimming daily.  He continues to get his blood checked for a week or so longer.  When he is up for 2 or 3 hours per day he can go off the blood thinner and no longer need his blood checked.  I have dropped Randy off at his first 'real' therapy appointment and Austen picked him up.  His Dad has taken him for his blood draw because we now have to go to them.
So far being up and using the walker doesn't seem to be too painful for Randy.  Before we know it he might even get permission to drive.  Which means I need to find a car soon.  Things are going along much quicker than I thought it would feel to me.  I guess being busy does that.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Randy can walk

Today is a momentous day!  Late last night we heard quite the commotion in our new bathroom.  I got out of bed to check on my little night owl Tanner.  (this was about midnight)  He was sitting in his bed watching tv and munching on something, so I went back to bed.  When we awoke this morning Cooper informed me that the sink had fallen out of the counter top.  I didn't believe him.  But he was telling the truth!
 After further inspection Randy decided that the bondo glue had given out.  Whew, for a minute there I thought that Tanner's tv stand had fallen on him.  And nothing is broken, so no harm done.

Now on for the best news in months!  Dr. Higgins has given Randy the green light to ...STAND.  He will need to wear his boots for another few weeks.  He will need to use a walker.  But he can stand.  He wasted no time in trying out his new mode of transportation.  He didn't give me much warning so I had to grab the camera and run to catch his first steps on video!
(Sorry you only get a picture.  I don't know how to download video to my blog yet.  And I only took this shot of him.)  We have a follow up appointment in one month.  Dr. Higgins said he expects Randy to be walking in the door at that appointment.  Oh Happy Day.  (Now I just need to find a car.  Yikes, I thought I had more time:)  I'm hoping for a Sonata should anyone out there have any suggestions.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Legs are getting bigger

Randy's legs are filling in with muscle now.  Before the pool they were just bone with loose skin hanging on them.  Now they are thin, but full.  He says that his thighs are still small but I think they will fill in as soon as he can stand.
His water walking is getting faster.  He has even been hanging on the side of the pool and doing water leg kicks. His next doctor appointment is Tue.  We both expect him to release Randy for some real occupational therapy which includes standing up for the first time in 3 months.
I have taken Randy to two parent teacher meetings so far.  Our boys teachers have been really excited to see him out and about.
Randy was willing (and made the phone call's himself!) to give up his hospital bed.  We can now share our bed again!  It is just our mattress and box-spring on the ground so he is able to get from wheelchair to bed.  But I am sleeping so much better than on Cooper's twin mattress.  Randy says he is sleeping better too.  And as an added bonus we don't have to pay another months bed rental fee.
Randy also called our old neighbor who was able to hook us up with a wheelchair we can borrow for free that has leg rests.  So we no longer have to pay for a wheelchair rental either.  NICE!
It has been long enough that our doctor visits will no longer be 'follow up' so we will have to start paying our 40 copays again.  That part isn't so nice.  But he is making terrific improvement.  And on another good note, I passed my test at work and I was able to level up.  My months of studying have payed off.  It is a relief to have it behind me.