Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No more boots!

Today is the day Randy can take his boots off and walk.  He wasted no time.  I was at the chiropractor first thing this morning.  I came in the back door and Tanner rolled into the kitchen in Randy's wheelchair and told me that he tied daddy's shoes.  He can walk in them without holding on to anything!  He exclaimed.
Sure enough it's true.  We are all happy about his news.  Randy says that his right ankle hurts a bit.  The left one is better.  He had to do his ankle stretches to help out with the pain.  He even walked downstairs today.


  1. YIPEE! So exciting. Glad to see you are doing so well Randy!Love ya

  2. Congrats. I know its been a long time coming. so glad that you are feeling better.
