Sunday, May 15, 2011

counting blessings

I am still working on getting my thank you's done.  It is a big task.  And a great way to count my blessings.
  Back in January when Randy got hurt we paid our own bills.  The next month the church was kind enough to help with one mortgage and a few food orders.  Since then we have had some wonderful generosity of family, friends, and neighbors.
Thank you is not a big enough word to express our gratitude.  We are doing well.  Being thrifty as always, but doing well.  Randy is able to work here and there when they have work for him.  (He isn't able physically to do everything).  I got my promotion so I make enough, when no one cancels, to pay the mortgage (and just the mortgage.)  We still have some savings.  And we have money from our wonderful support system that should carry us through until our lives return to normal!  There are still medical bills being made , our food storage is next to gone, but that is what it was for, right?  Life is good, God is great, our friends are wonderful!  We love you all so much.  We feel very fortunate to have so many blessings in our lives.
THANK YOU!  You are one of the blessings in our lives.

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