Tuesday, July 12, 2011

7 months out now

Can you believe it has been 7 months ago that he fell?  I can't either.  He is working full time doing all that he used to do.  He walks a bit like an old man.  He is tired after work, which is so unlike the Randy we all know.  But considering he could be dead or paralyzed, he is doing great!   The doctor said he needs to take one long screw out of each ankle before they break.  He said that typically that is around the one year marker.  Randy will see his surgeon again this month and we will know more then.  I did ask if it could be done in December instead of January due to insurance and he said if Randy's body is healing well that could be a possibility.
We are going on our first camp out this weekend since the accident.  We are all looking forward to it.  I will let you know how it goes.


  1. hey hun =] i started fallowing your blog because you are part of my family =] down the line of coarse . i believe that your husband ?!?! is my dads cousin i think? lol im not to sure . my grand parents are lee and kaye carson ! my dad is kevin.

  2. Yes. Pieces we are related. Thanks for following.
