Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Legs are getting bigger

Randy's legs are filling in with muscle now.  Before the pool they were just bone with loose skin hanging on them.  Now they are thin, but full.  He says that his thighs are still small but I think they will fill in as soon as he can stand.
His water walking is getting faster.  He has even been hanging on the side of the pool and doing water leg kicks. His next doctor appointment is Tue.  We both expect him to release Randy for some real occupational therapy which includes standing up for the first time in 3 months.
I have taken Randy to two parent teacher meetings so far.  Our boys teachers have been really excited to see him out and about.
Randy was willing (and made the phone call's himself!) to give up his hospital bed.  We can now share our bed again!  It is just our mattress and box-spring on the ground so he is able to get from wheelchair to bed.  But I am sleeping so much better than on Cooper's twin mattress.  Randy says he is sleeping better too.  And as an added bonus we don't have to pay another months bed rental fee.
Randy also called our old neighbor who was able to hook us up with a wheelchair we can borrow for free that has leg rests.  So we no longer have to pay for a wheelchair rental either.  NICE!
It has been long enough that our doctor visits will no longer be 'follow up' so we will have to start paying our 40 copays again.  That part isn't so nice.  But he is making terrific improvement.  And on another good note, I passed my test at work and I was able to level up.  My months of studying have payed off.  It is a relief to have it behind me.

1 comment:

  1. What great news, all around! It isn't too often that one WANTS bigger legs! I am glad that the pool workouts have helped.
    Congratulations on passing your test! That is so exciting! I know that you were stressed about it and I am proud of you for doing the studying and work necessary to pass! I think that a celebration is in order!
