Thursday, March 3, 2011

A new day

Our friend Dr. Rossen was able to call and talk to Dr. Higgins our surgeon.  They had a long talk.  In the end Dr. Higgins will not release Randy to any one for pain management.  He is still prepared to have Randy off of the oxy   in 6 weeks from his post operation date.  He did write another prescription as we are out of the other one.  Now we have to get to the U to pick it up.  Dr. Higgins called and spoke to Randy this morning.  He was quite surprised to hear how much pain Randy is in.  He 'allowed' Randy to take the 15 ml every 4 hours that the E.R. and Mark R. and Randy had already started on right before our trip to the ER.
So for now, Randy's pain is under control and we will just take it one day at a time.  I filled the script from the E.R. so Randy won't have to worry about running out and having out of control pain again for days.
I had my yearly doctor appointment and refilled my prescriptions (okay, all but one.)  It has already made a difference in my energy levels which helps my mood.  Since my hysterectomy and thyroid surgery keeping my levels normal has been quite a trick.  But today is a great day so I am going to live in the moment.
Our friends the Allred's moved away about one year ago to Nevada.  Today Ryan surprised us with a visit.  He and Randy are having a great talk as we speak.
I was able to get a scholarship which will allow me to go to the LDAU conference tomorrow.  It is for work.  I will be going alone but I am still looking forward to it.  Karly has the day off of school so everything is falling into place.  Randy should be well taken care of.  It is in Provo and I will leave at 4 so not a big deal.
In other breaking news:  The Murray paper want to come and take pictures of our house and interview me next Saturday.  I must admit I am a little bit anxious.  I hope I do okay.  It is because Jeff told them about Randy's accident and all of our random acts of kindness that people have done for us.


  1. I'm glad Randy's pain is getting better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

  2. Glad to hear not sending to Pain Clinic. My prayers are with Randy and Wendy and family. Hope Randy that you are feeling better soon.
