Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday= boy am I tired

Tuesday night we decided to take Randy to the E.R. for some pain management issues.  Our doctor would not return phone calls since Monday.  Randy had a lot of pain for the entire day.  So at 8pm he took and extra oxy to try to get control of the pain.  He even took a valium without me asking him to.  But the pain was too great.  He cried/sobbed for over one hour.  So at 9pm I packed him up, told Karly to put everyone to bed and I drove him up to the U.  We waited for a long time.  We got seen around 11pm.  We were not discharged until 3:30 A.M.  Arrived home at 4am and I was off to work and dropping kids at school at 8:30.  I work until 3, then I pick the kids up.
For my lunch break I stopped in to take Tanner to school.  Randy was able to sleep for some of the morning.  I didn't gear him up or feed him today because I slept in.  So I did all of that when I got back.  My mom had been sitting with him and Tanner.  Randy's parents arrived as I was leaving.
The E.R. ran some blood work and took another x-ray to see if there was anything causing his new pain.  They didn't see anything.  His pain is located in the front part of his ankle.  They told us that there is a large plate right where it hurts.  Our friend Dr. Mark Rosen called our surgeon and us.  He suggests that we find another doctor to take over the pain management side of his surgery.  We really like this idea.  One, because he will be good at what he does, and two, we need someone who responds and can help Randy.  This is a long journey and he can't rehab if he is in too great of pain.  We think our surgeon is a great surgeon.  But our issue is pain management.
Here he is at the E.R. we had a space in the hallway.  I mocked him for smiling for the picture.  I told him he was suppose to be in pain.


  1. I am so sorry Randy is in so much pain. Don't got to a Pain Clinic Dr. They will just keep him on Pain killers and get him addicted. so hard to get off the pain killers. You are in my prayers. My husband has been through this i just hope and pray for you Randy. I pray every day that your pain goes away. You are in my prayers.

  2. Tonya. Thank you for your comments and advice. It helps to hear from someone who has gone through it.
