Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The benefit dinner did amazingly well.  I never would have dreamed it would be so profitable.   The men were able to raise enough money to re-pay people for the hard cost of our remodel.  There was also enough money left to pay most of what we anticipate Randy's out of pocket for our medical bills.   This is a gigantic blessing.  Randy isn't done making bills so it is hard to know.  But a huge burden has been lifted.  I am sure we can make it however long it takes before Randy gets back to work with the help of the church and all of you good people.
And  although we have some savings, we can't stay afloat each month on my income even with the help from the church.  If we use our saving to live off of then we would run out of money to pay the bills.  Or if we pay the bills, we run out of money to live off of.  You get the idea.  So thank you all for your generosity!  We are truly touched.  I know that there are so many people who are struggling right now.  Thank you for opening your hearts to us.  We are so grateful for all you have done for us.

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