Friday, March 18, 2011


Can you believe our benefit dinner is tomorrow?  Me either!  Every time it gets mentioned Randy becomes 'emotional'.  He just can't get over how many people care about us.   I just can't imagine it.  Every one every where I go tells me, "we will see you at the dinner."  It is hard to imagine all of the people I love and care about in one place at the same time.

 Our house has been so busy and sleep deprived I can't believe my last post was on Tuesday.  But I guess it makes sense.  Cooper is sleeping better.  Randy and Tanner could use some improvement.  And when they sleep better I will too.  Randy's nurse suggested he take benedryl to help him out.
I spent four hours on the phone yesterday trying to sort out and pay some of our medical bills.  Then I brought in the mail to find...more bills....  The mail box isn't always my friend these days.

And how is it that it only takes a minute to make a mess, but an hour to clean it up?  It seems my time at home is limited, and I can't get on top of things.
Tomorrow is a special Saturday to me for many reasons.  One of course, is the dinner.  But also it is my last Saturday morning training! (at least for a while)  It has been months since I could have a day off.  I can't wait.
Thank you everyone for continuing to follow our blog and wish us support.  Randy is really struggling emotionally right now so your thoughts, calls, and visits, help out a lot.  I work quite a bit so it helps to break up  his day.
His next appointments are Mon and Tue so there will be new information soon.

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