I forgot to mention that Randy's left eye is very bloodshot. The lower part looks like it is filled with blood. He gets it a little bit (not as much as it is now) when he gets really run down or over worked. He also has a bloody nose. He asked another day, and I asked last night if we could get some humidity in his oxygen. When he asked the nurse said he would ask the doctors if it was alright. When I asked the (different) nurse said "we don't usually do that, I could get you a nose spray." And she did right away.
I know they do. Cooper had one. And our c-paps at home have one. Plus the oxygen Tanner was suppose to be on at home had one. I even have the saline bottles to hook up to it at home. I just might bring one with me today. I hope we get helpful nurse today. Or even better, I will ask the doctors when they take him to surgery.
All of his nurses have been nice. Some are just slower than others. And some not as useful. But everyone is nice. And they all say that Randy is their most pleasant patient.
It's funny how he has only been there a few days but it feels like weeks to me. I think it is because it is day-sho-vu. (no clue how to spell a French word) At this point also known as P.T.S.D. It is all too reminiscent of Cooper's stay. The difference is at Primary's I knew where all the supplies were. The nurses were fine with me getting supplies. This place the only thing I have access to is an ice machine around many corners. Not just one down the hall. And there is not a community computer to use to keep me informed. But Jeff brought in his laptop for us to borrow last night. So this will be very useful. I can keep up to date while there, and when Randy feels better he can as well.
While taking the girls to High School today Karly and I were able to talk for a minute. She asked about Dad. Then she remembered to tell me that the Castle Dale hospital called to see how Randy was. She said that they probably thought she was me. They wondered how long he would be at the hospital. She thought Randy wasn't home because we didn't have the ramp and doors ready. I told her it was because his surgery's were not over with. "oh, sorry." she replied. No problem. I should just call them later I said. But really, the list of people to return phone calls to is staggering. So probably not all that important. But it is touching that they would take the time to check. I guess that comes from being a small town. I forgot how tight knit that can feel. Rather sweet actually.
Oh, Wendy, I just found out last night about the accident. I'm so sorry! I would be more than happy to help with Tanner if you need him to be somewhere. Please, please call if you run into a bind or your parents or you just need a break. Drew went by to see him today and said he was in good spirits. He also said reading your blog reminded him of all the wonderful people we left behind in the ward and stake. We do really love you and hope you know that! We love your family. Please call with anything. I'll be in touch, but like you said, it's hard to return all of those phone calls. So don't return calls, just call when you get into that bind or are overwhelmed. I know it will come, it happens to all of us without having something like this happen. Please, please!!!