Friday, January 28, 2011

out of surgery and in pain

Randy had lot's of visitors show up after his operation today. I think I said surgery was long but it was 4 1/2 hours. His dad was here with him all day. It was Dreu who did the night shift. Around 4:45 he started to hurt more and more to the point he was cring out in pain. He didn't stop until the doctor gave orders to the nurse for some dilotted. The pain pain level 10 was over around 6:40 and down to a 6. All the staff and family knew how tuff Randy is so they didn't question his need for more pain meds. We hope to stay on top of the pain for the night. The doctor was just in and warned us it would be a long hard night. The nurse put a large bag of ice on his foot and elevated his legs up above his nose level.

I had planned to go home, but I changed my mind and cancelled all of my helpers at the hospital. I put my mom in charge of the kids. Thank you all for your understanding and going with the flow. Now I will find some food and deal with whatever the night brings.

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