Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Ramp is finished

The very large crew of men were able to finish the ramp yesterday. There is even a coat of stain on it. It is such a nice looking ramp. When my mom in law showed up she couldn't help but cry. The reality of what lies ahead is sinking in for most of us now. Austen couldn't take it all so he had to find some place else to be. His sanctuary was being destroyed. Niki had sent me pictures at the hospital, so I was more prepared.

The reason for Austen's upset is this. The original plans included moving a sink and widening two doors. But now our main bathroom is completely gutted. The boys decided to take out everything including the tub in order to put in a walk in shower for Randy. This will be so nice for him to gain some independence. It was all their idea. Drue Kehl is nice enough and generous enough to fund this very large project! He said I could choose the tile, but I told him free is my favorite color and he could have full rein. What an amazing guy!

For the rest of Saturday I was told my many people of all of the generous acts Dreu has done for neighbors over his lifetime. He is truly one of God's chosen people. I was also surprised to know that he works at the temple. I don't know how people have time to do so much for others.

Randy's apprentice Ryan was also kind enough to come over without any future notice to help with the new bathroom plan. McBride's were gracious enough to unlock the office so Ryan could access some tools. Ryan brought his little boy with him and it was nice for me to have something useful to do to help out.

It was amazing how well everyone worked together to make it all work out. Due to our new plan we had last minute need of an electrician and a dry wall person. Calls were made, favors called in and people showed up lickety split. Amazing, amazing stuff. I wanted to grab a group photo, but with all the buzz it just didn't happen. I told everyone that this is now the house that love built.

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