Monday, January 24, 2011

Day two=Monday

After a good nights sleep I feel a bit better. Jeff was nice enough to stay the night with Randy. Randy's parents came back into town and are staying with him today. I called to talk to Randy. I can't be there because I work Monday's from 9-6.

The doctors think he may also have broken his left arm. It has been "tender" since his fall according to Randy. He is so tough that tender could easily mean broken. They did more x-rays and other test today. No word on those yet.

PT and OT came in today. My mom-in-saw and brother told me Randy is quite tired today. And that all the test made him quite sore. He has his turtle shell on and the doc's had him sit up for something. It hurt.

So to summarize: He can't put any weight on his feet for a minimum of 3 months
His spine and pelvis should correct themselves while he is on bed rest

Mike Henry said I can't take Randy home until I get a ramp for my front door and be sure that the doorway's are big enough for his wheel chair to get to the bathroom.


  1. The broken tail bone was wrong. Castle dale hospital said that but the U said it is a broken pelvis not tail bone.

  2. No broken arm. Which is great because he wouldn't be able to get himself around with out two arms.
