After we got our food we sat down to eat. My phone rang again. It was Sharlyn. She and Corey had driven up to the hospital and wanted to visit. I told her Randy was still not out of surgery but they could come to the cafeteria.
What a site! They came through the doors in a crowd. Sharlynn, Corey, Jeff, Johnathan, and Mike Henry. Luckily for me Jeff started the introduction's because I was too stunned to do it. As we talked I saw the two doctors who had assisted with Randy's surgery at the next table. After we were done one of them came over to talk to me about the operation. Since Mike also works at the U they gave him all the doctor speak and filled everyone in on things. Then we headed up to Randy's room to hopefully see him.
We had a long wait (hours). Jordan and Amy joined us and brought me food:) Very nice. As the wait dragged on Jeff pulled out his laptop and showed us the pictures from the site, and told us the story as he had heard it. Plus the part after he had arrived on the scene.
My mom called and wondered when she and the kids could come. I told her Randy should be out any minute and come whenever they could. I couldn't wait for my kids to see him. I knew they would feel better. They had all been so upset with worry. The two oldest ones cried. I forgot to mention that when my brother came over he had offered up a family prayer for us.
Randy finally came up to his room! The wait had been long even for him. Everyone talked and laughed. Randy was in good spirits as always. After a while some people left. My mom and the kids arrived. I was so happy to see them. I could tell Randy was too. Cooper had a lot of questions. But before I could answer him he answered himself. Oh, ya just like when I was at the hospital, etc. etc. Then more visitors arrived. More talk about what had happened (again no one from his group was there just the others who came upon the scene.) Mary, Paul, and Denise joined in. Jeff was still there too. Mary was nice enough to take my kids to the cafeteria for some food. My head started to spin. I was super tired and had a headache.
Then something crazy happened. People were planning another Moab trip to the same spot and talked like Randy was coming. They even said that the rescue ranger people wanted to come along for it. More talk about how great they are, how they only needed a helicopter for rescue because they can do everything else. I had a melt down. I asked my mom if she wanted to take the kids home or if I should. She said she would when they were ready. So I decided to go home. I said good-bye to Karly and said a grumpy good-bye to Randy and I was off. I had asked Randy if he was fine will all of the fuss, he said he was. I wasn't. That is why I decided to go. Randy is the patient, not me. So it was my problem and I just couldn't seem to stop getting upset with everyone's comments. I know they all love us and are trying to help. But since I couldn't handle it I needed to be the one to leave.
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