I took a couple of calls on my way to the hospital today. One was Drew Krill. He will be doing my bathroom construction and even offered to make it not only functional but pretty as well. He even said I could have a hand in choosing the tile for the floor. That was so sweet of him. I told him it could be whatever he wanted. Randy had just re tiled last year, but there isn't any left over.
My mom-in-law called me when the doctors came in this morning. (I was in the parking lot) The surgeon decided to post-pone the surgery because Randy's ankle is still too swollen. They are hoping for tomorrow instead.
He was getting two bags of blood today. One while I was away and one while I am here. His hematocrit was low. Getting the blood helped his oxygen levels increase. It also took care of his nose bleed. Now his machine beeps less.
Today when the P.T people came in they were impressed by the large show of family. His parents were here, plus Tanner and I had arrived. My dad came in a bit later, visited for about 1 1/2 hrs and then took Tanner to school for me. The two people were discussing how soon Randy could come home, what needed done at the house, how to teach him to transfer and things of this nature. They can see his big support system so they would like to do his training here and send him home as soon as possible. But of course we have to wait until surgery or surgeries are over.
Currently Matt from physical therapy is here. He is smart enough to realise that if we put Randy into a sitting position his foot will swell and post pone surgery even more. So he is only going to work with Randy's upper body today and leave his feet alone. This is great! He is trying to prevent bed sores and pneumonia. This is why he wants to move Randy a bit. We are even going to get a trapeze bar. Super! The nurse had talked about it but nothing materialized...
I just stopped typing long enough to speak to Matt. I told him my concerns about moving Randy with his broken pelvis and back. I understood the surgeon to say that Randy should not be moving his pelvis and spine for 3 months. I wondered how we could better use the bedpan. I am also worried because they are talking about doing transfers starting tomorrow. He is currently off checking with the surgeon for me. He was very sweet about this and said that my concern was valid. He didn't know of all of this information. So he would get in touch with the surgeon himself. Oh how I LOVE it when people take the time to know for themselves all the story, and not rush into things. Matt is so awesome!!
Matt is back. He spoke to the doctor. It is okay to roll Randy on his good side. It is also okay to change positions a little bit without causing swelling to his feet. After surgery transfers are also okay. It is just the pressure of standing on his feet that would mess up the pelvis and back. That would cause too much pressure to the area's. But gentle rolling and careful transfers will be okay. And prevent the bedsores and pneumonia. What a relief.
Randy was able to have a bowel movement today with the bedpan. No luck urinating however. The nurse said this is common with pelvic injuries. I stayed in the room to see how in the world they put a bed pan under him without moving his hips or spine. They don't! The surgeon told me that his spine and hips should NOT move for 3 months. Randy told this new nurse that the previous nurse had been moving him onto his right side. I just about died! His right hip is the one that is 'scrunched' as the doctor put it. I didn't get upset with anyone but I calmly explained what the surgeon had told me. The other nurse who was assisting listened and then said that they needed to use a different bed pan. It took 3 of us to roll him onto his left side. I asked if there was any other way and got no answer. When the rehab guys were in I asked the same thing but they told me it was too difficult.
Randy told me that the staff had been moving his bad leg with the metal rods that are sticking through it. My friend Tricia lived through this with her husband. I remembered her telling me that the staff with Justin was doing the same thing and that it was ripping his skin. (he lost his leg). So I wrote on the board NOT to do this with Randy.
I spoke to Troy McBride this morning while driving into the parking garage as well. They are being super! Troy said that they had no intention of dropping Randy from health insurance. (I didn't think so) He had been looking into how to help us out with disability. He also said that Randy had enough money from his next check to pay our portion of health insurance for this month. That next months premiums should be paid by his vacation days that he won't be taking. And that for the 3rd month if need they could "come up with more vacation days as needed". Love the McBride family! I told him just to send me a bill or call me if and when I need to give them money to keep paying our portion of the premiums to ensure that my whole family has health insurance. (we pay about $650 a month plus our dental and McBride pays the rest.)
My aunt Inez sent me a beautiful card with a nice note and some "gas money". Thank you for your generous amount:) A girl Jody that I went to school with has offered to send some money. She just lost her father and is thinking of us. This is very sweet. I am feeling so much better about things. I know it will be long and a bit difficult but I also know that we can handle it with all of your love and support. Thank you all.
Hey we are related . My grandma is Kay Carson and my dad is Kevin . I have read most of your blog and I hope all goes well with Randy. Good luck on the surgery . My prayers are with you all .