Kelly and Keith were kind enough to wait with me in the E.R waiting room. They were also able to get the staff to let me in to see Randy in between some of their assessments and test. That was wonderful! So good to see him and talk with him. Hes legs were wrapped up so I didn't get to see how mangled they are. When he went off for another MRI I sat with the Gray's until they assigned Randy a room. They helped me find it and I let them go after a few hours.
Jeff arrived at the hospital shortly after they left. I think that was around 1 am. He tried to wait for Randy while we bantered back and forth. Me being upset, and him saying how careful everyone was, how prepared they are for this, etc. Then we went for a long walk to try to find Randy. I think we did but he was in a closed room getting his MRI. (we could hear the ping, ping,) So we went back to his room and Jeff went home with the promise of returning in the morning.
Good thing too. Randy didn't get to his room until 4:30 AM! So exhausting. Then by the time everyone did their thing he wasn't hooked up to anything until 6ish. And they said surgery would be at 7 am.
They took him down at 7 am but due to another patients emergency he was pushed back until 9. I was able to wait with him in the bay and for the most part we were alone. This was the first time I was able to get his side of the story.
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