I knew I didn't have the full story, plus I wanted to see Randy myself. So I did the next best thing. I called my cousin Kathy in Price. I asked her to check on him and tell me what they could see.
The phone rang again. It was a doctor from Castle Dale. He said Randy was going into surgery for his ankles and he would be spending the night.
I called my brother who had offered to drive me down there. Mom was on her way over to watch the kids.
I started packing and scrambling for what to do.
Then before my family arrived another doctor called me to say that he was overseeing this other doctor and looking at his mri's. Randy's injury's were extensive and he had no business being in such a small hospital. He had a broken back and tail bone along with his ankles. As soon as Randy was stable and the weather permitted they would get him to slc. They had only washed out his right ankle because that is the one where the bone had broken through the skin. They were worried about infection. The doctor didn't want Randy to ride by ambulance because it could injure his spine more.
I called Jeff. I had not heard from any of the rappelling buddies. I asked who was with Randy. (I had already gotten the answer when I asked the doctor.) NO ONE. Who was going to be with him? I demanded. Jeff said he was on his way to be with him. Good. I didn't want Randy to be alone. I was a lot farther away then any of them. I was wishing that Rosen could be with Randy to operate and I said so, but Randy told me it wasn't possible. Then the red tape of insurance flooded into my head and realized he wouldn't have privileges there anyway.
When my mom and brother arrived my mom told me that my aunt Inez talked to Rick and Kathy and they were quite concerned. Then I was worried. But also relieved to know that someone was with him and to know what was going on.
I couldn't take the barrage of phone calls and so I went to the U to wait for Randy to arrive by air.
While I was waiting for hours I was texting and worrying. Keith and Kelly Gray came to give me a blessing. (they had asked me and I was happy to accept.) It was very late but they came and were able to be there with me when Randy got off the chopper. The doctors let us follow him into the E.R. It was about 12 midnight.
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