The little boys and I just got back from seeing Randy. Daniel Willes is going to spend the night tonight. Randy looked a lot worse than yesterday. His voice is rough, his face is puffy and he says he feels like he was hit by a truck.
Both feet are oosing stuff. They are 'suppose' to. I helped him prop his legs up higher and scratch all of his itches. Then he told me his stomach was really hurting so I rubbed it for a while. He said it really helped. He tried to use the hand held potty without any success. All so reminiscent of Cooper's stay. Randy was hot, sweaty, itchy and stomach hurt with gas pains. All stuff Cooper had as well. I need to bring up a back scratcher for him.
Seeing him so miserable has soften my heart. I now feel the way I thought I would and should. I can't be mad any more. I told him how sorry I am for being so grouchy yesterday. He said it was okay, he understood, there was just too much stress. I thanked him and told him I still wish I could have handled it better.
After work Andrea gathered the Riches up and brought them over to measure my house for a ramp and wider door ways. Mike Henry also came to help out. We will need a ramp and widen two doors along with moving the sink and vanity out of the way.
I called Jeff. He said he already has a crew to make us a ramp for free, Mark Rosen will help with all of the medical paperwork (truly a godsend! I despise doing that)and Paul will go to Randy's work with me to make sure that they will keep him 'employed' so we don't loose our health insurance. (if we did that would be a nightmare-too unimaginable to think about right now) The ward has meals taken care of for a while. Meals make it so I can spend more time with Randy which will be nice.
This is all a huge relief and burden lifted from me. Jeff and I will meet in Randy's room tomorrow night and go over things together so we can stop double planning, and we can come up with a schedule for sitting with Randy. Things are starting to feel do able. Thank you Jeff and buddies! You're all so amazing to be so kind even when I am fuming. Thank you everyone.
At work today everyone offered condolences and help. One mom of my students even gave me some money and told me that her brother in law makes ramps for a living and he would be willing to help us. How wonderful is that? Another tutoring mom let me know that she also has metal in her foot and she can get around just fine. Another relief.
Funny story: My mom comes to pick Tanner up for me on Mon and Wed because I can't be in three places at the same time. So today was no different. My mom came for Tanner and I drove the school carpool, dropped off kids, and went to work. I get out of the van turn to shut the door and I hear..."Surprise"
It was Tanner! He had stowed away on the floor under the rear seat of the van. Quiet as a mouse. How surprising is that? Who knew he could be quiet that long. I was upset of course and dragged him inside with me. I called my mom to come pick him up. She had searched every where and figured he was with me. But she almost couldn't find him at my work. He was hiding under the sofa in the waiting room! What a little peanut. This prompted my mom to tell me that she wants to have a talk with the kids to tell them to be more cooperative.
After school Karly helped Cooper with his homework (I was still at work). Cooper even did the weeks worth of spelling all in one night! This is all very amazing. Love it:)
Oh ya, I talked with the night nurse. No one knows for sure when Randy will come home. We still don't know if he will go to rehab and back to the hospital or not. So far it's still one day at a time. But no worries. We can do this thanks to everyone's wonderful support.
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