Today was a long day. I got the kids off to school. Drove one carpool and Steph took my turn on the other carpool. I could have done it, but I was on the computer planning out Randy's schedule and got carried away. (Thank you Steph)
Then it was off to the hospital. The snow made the roads quite dangerous. I saw 4 cars faced the wrong direction on the freeway. There were two that spun out of control in front of me. It took an hour but we arrived safely. Tanner and I were not able to stay too long because he has afternoon kindergarten. I helped him try to pee (no luck) opened the blinds and arranged his sheets and things. We had a nice short visit. I really liked his nurse today. I asked her for some lotion for his ever growing scrotum. Cooper's was bigger, but Randy's is quite swollen. Cooper ended up getting a chafing rash, then got the lotion. So I thought we would get lotion first this time.
My mom was nice enough to drive out in the crazy weather to relieve me of my post. The social workers came to talk to Randy as I was leaving. Then it was off to school and volunteering. Drive everyone home, answer calls, dinner arrived (thanks Tondevold's it was delicious!) Talk to McBride plumbing. The boss asked what they could do for us. I said my standard nothing, but then remembered something. I asked if they could move our bathroom sink so that Randy's wheelchair would fit into the bathroom. He said sure, we can do that. Then I asked how much notice they would need to put us in the schedule. He said, " you just call us and we will come right over". How great right? When I told this to Randy he said, " You have no idea how much that touched me." And then cried, and asked for a hug. He then told me all the people who had offered to do anything for us. I then told him the many people who had told me the same thing.
Today Barbara brought us some bread. Angie Cooper bought us milk and gave us a gift card to walmart (where I buy Tanner's milk) Brandon offered to give me back my gift of $100 and add a gift card to smith's for the same amount. Craig Walentine came over to measure for the ramp and door ways. We have a great support system for Randy.
Then back to the hospital. The nurse came in to sit Randy up. I wondered how they were doing this. Basically the push the buttons on the bed and put him into a chair like position. It is painful but he said it gets less painful each time. Afterwards they lower the bed and he uses his arms to pull himself back up to the head of the bed because gravity has slipped him down. His right foot was super swollen after this adventure. The left one as well but not as much. Then he needs a great big rest.
My mom had waited for me. She said Randy had some important visitors. She could see the love they have for him and the comradely. This helped me to remember why Randy so badly wanted to go to St. George even though he had two kids having surgery on the same day as the trip. He ended up NOT going, but that was also because the guys called and told him his place was with his family, and they PROMISED to invite him again. Which they did. And he loved every second of it.
Later in the evening Jeff, Mark, and Paul came for our meeting. It was very productive and there were actual notes taken. Mark was with Randy so I got to hear the story of someone who saw it. Dan Turney who was also there had taken some terrific photo's of everything and documented them with times and added maps. He gave the 'book' to Jeff who brought it and showed us all. There was even a picture of Randy right before he fell. This was so good for me to see and hear! I can't wait to get a copy.
Then Paul re-told the story of why no one could call me and this time it made sense. And Jeff did tell Tom to call me, but Tom wasn't going to until Randy assured him that I could handle it. Now that part made sense too!
I was able to explain to the guys why I was so upset on Sunday. I wanted to hear it from a familiar voice, but at least I got the call. Also when Randy came out of surgery I thought he would be beat, and I wanted to see him first, then have the kids see him. Then bring in all the rappelling family. I just don't share well. It wasn't that I didn't want them there. I think they could understand that now. I did apologize for over reacting. Paul reassured me that they still love me, and they know how I can be:) I could feel the love.
The men are doing an amazing job of thinking about what we need and finding great solutions for the problems. Jeff asked Randy and I what else we were worried about and is working on it now. There will be a spread sheet for volunteers in the future that will be easier to use. Keep your eye's peeled.
Tricia texted me during our meeting. Her husband had a similar accident and lost his leg in the process, but is lucky to be alive. She said that Justin is just worried sick about Randy and that she cries every time she read this blog. That is what touched me! I think only fellow Post Traumatic Stress Disorder suffers can appreciate this little fact. Love you guys!!
Randy's next surgery will be Wed (tomorrow) at 12 noon.
My sweet friend Barbara called today. She is willing to go back to work (she recently quit) and cover my students for me. The best part is.. she is going to let me get the pay! Now that is amazing. So far I am only having her cover for me on Wednesday so that I can be with Randy on surgery day. I am taking this just a day or two at a time.
Thank you everyone for your kindness and prayers.
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