Monday, January 31, 2011

Randy's first time trying to transfer

This was taken on Sunday. His pain was not under control. He gave it a good try though. Randy was not able to lift at all. His broken hip was giving him too much trouble.

Today is Monday morning. I called his sister Denise to check on how his night went. She said they were able to get his pain under control at one point. He got a little rest. The nurse was currently in talking with him. If he can do a transfer and keep the pain down they will either let him go home in 2-3 days, or to a rehab facility. So it looks more like a Thursday for his departure at this point.

The house is coming along. All the drywall isn't finished yet. It does have two coats on it though. Two good men worked long and hard on it yesterday. It is snowing today. Good thing the weather held out to make the ramp! I hear the doors are on the way today. After the doors the bathroom can begin.

1 comment:

  1. He was not able to get out of the bed at all. His broken hip hurt too much.
