Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Aniversary #20

(picture of the stitches they took out today)
So today was our anniversary.It was such a long day it felt like two.   So I am giving it two posts. Our doctor appointment was at 7:30 am.  We arrived home at 10:30 am with his nurse waiting in the driveway.  His blood is still too thick even with all the blood thinners.   Randy's parents have been so great throughout this whole thing.  They took the kids and brought us in some dinner.    I celebrated by sleeping the whole time, and Randy ate ate the table.  He was able to get their on his own power.  Then the kids came back and we watched the end of biggest looser.  That is the most time we have spent together.  It felt to great to me to do something normal.  I haven't watched television with anyone for weeks.
Before bed I helped Randy take of his new air casts and he tried to turn his ankles.  He can't move the right one at all.  The left one he can just move.  But not in a circle.  We put the casts back on because they hurt too much with them off.  They hurt with them on.  His meds are not doing the job.
He was very emotional as he was drifting off to sleep.  He is upset that he can't move his right ankle.  He is frustrated at our financial position.  I have been quite depressed the last few weeks, yet some how having a nap has helped me out.  I have also decided that I will ask the bishop for some financial assistance.  I was adamant about not asking for help before.  But I have realized that if we could get some help I will have less resentment.  I don't mind using our savings to pay for medical bills.  What I hate is that we will be penny-less at the end of this adventure.  And that we don't know if or how much Randy will be able to work.
I can't work full time and take care of Randy right now.  Plus I don't want to work full time until Tanner is in school all day.  Not to mention I don't think I can be a good mom and work full time.  But that might not be a choice. (picture is of right leg after taking out half of the stitches.  )
Cooper could hear Randy crying tonight.  He was so cute about it.  He says, "so how is dad doing?"  I told him he was hurting.   I explained that it was because of the doctor appointment and how they took out most of the stitches.  He grimaced and then said, "I've never heard dad cry before."  I said, "I know, I hadn't really either.  When you were in the hospital the other kids told me he would come home from seeing us and cry but I didn't see it."  He grinned and asked, "Did he cry when they took the stitches out?"  No, I told him.  He did really well with it.  He nodded.
Then he went in to the bedroom to see Dad's new casts.  He had the blanket on all day so no one had really noticed.  After that I showed him the pictures on my camera.  He says, hey he will have big scars like me.  I told him that when I saw his legs it reminded me of his stomach.  He said, ya, but on his legs.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are willing to get some help from the bishop. That is what the resources are there for and there is no shame in getting assistance.
