Randy and team made it from bed to chair.
He was able to wheel himself to the door. Then it was back to bed for the room transfer.
Randy is settled into his new room. The nurse was quite nice. Randy parents arrived right as he was wheeled into the hall so they went with us. I asked the nurse to show us around and she did. We now know where everything is located. The rehab work out room is on floor 1. His room is floor 2. It is a nice quiet room with a wider door to the bathroom. Much smaller however than the 6th floor room.
The nurse showed us the shower wheelchairs. Quite a sight to see. It is like a shower chair on wheels combined with a camping commode. Crazy things that will soon be a part of my new life. The nurse also told me to pass along word that they will be doing rehab 3 times a day or so and to limit visitors to evenings as to not hinder the work they need to do with him. She did say that it was okay for him to have one sitter with him like we have been doing with the schedule. Here is a link again:https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuUEDxyAz9CWdFByQnh6c2RHdGtlN0MtQ0JFWE9Ccnc&hl=en#gid=0
Thank you very much to all of you wonderful people who have helped with this. I can't be everything to everyone so I appreciate the help. Between, work, hospital and home I am hitting a wall.
Today Randy was able to get himself from the bed to a wheelchair with little help. I videoed this adventure. It took quite a long time. He was then able to wheel himself to his door. They wanted to see how far he could go solo and that was it. Then the nurse helped him by pushing him back to his bed. They wanted him to slid back from chair to bed. Randy was so fatigued by this. He was pale and passed out for a second. I called out his name and he whispered back Hu? Then the three of us plus Randy worked and worked to get him back into bed.
He received more pain meds and slept for the next 3 hours.
The upstairs people thought Randy would be coming home in a week or less. The rehab 2nd floor nurse laughed when I told her this. She said she would be quite surprised if a patient with his type of spinal injury would go home so soon. She said to plan on at least two weeks. But that anything can happen.
My mother in law told me today that she and my Father in law were talking about our anniversary. This month Randy and I would celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. She said that wherever we are she will kidnap the kids and let Randy and I spend some time together. Maybe even bring us dinner. All I could do was laugh. It seems unimaginable to me to even try to celebrate in any way shape or form. Although I do appreciate the thought. And maybe IF things improve there will be a chance that we could even hold a conversation. But for now, one long day at a time.
That reminds me. The 2nd floor nurse mentioned that they may put Randy in speech therapy. They said they would asses that tomorrow. She said it is amazing how many things a spinal injury affects. The pain meds do make him slur from time to time. When we had our tour of the rehab exersize room there were two speech rooms. Interesting thought. I would't have ever guessed it could do that to a person.
I think Randy is in the right place to get well. The nurse was very knowledgeable about his spinal injury as well as his pelvis. He seems to be in good hands. I am not as worried about them moving him.
Shout out to the blogging world. How can I post my video's on here?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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