Saturday, February 26, 2011

ah, ch ch ch changes

So the only constant is change in my life right now.  Although I like the security of knowing that I could provide health care for my family, Randy and I have revisited the issue and have decided that I should continue to work at DTOU and not look for outside employment.  It would just be too much change for our family right now.  I just need to work on my faith that things are going to be okay financially for us.
Randy is healing each day.  He is more down than up the last few days, but I am going to take some of the blame for that.  I think my worry has spilled over on to him.  When your main financial provider can no longer work to support a family it can be scary.  Especially without the physical ability to change the situation.  Perhaps we are having a faith building opportunity?
I just read the last few comments.  Thank you Jenny!  Tanner is always up for a new friend so I will try to call you soon.  It would be a big help.  And thank you Tina.  I also appreciate your offer.  I keep meaning to call you for a play date, I just tend to get a bit overwhelmed when I am at home and I forget.
I am going to work on my new positive outlook and keep the faith.  Wish me luck!  We all know I'm going to need it. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Our phone number is 8012810856. Really, I'd be happy to help out as much as you guys need. We mostly have girly toys, but I do have some fun boy ones too. Feel free to call me.
