Friday, February 11, 2011


I want to send a shout out thank you to Dan Willes for coming over last night and giving Randy a shower.
Thanks to Sherron for bringing over a remote holder for the bed, and for bringing me a rubber maid shelf for my bathroom to hold my items and stack the towels on.  Now my front room is free of clutter!
I had a work meeting last night and they both came over so it made it so Randy wasn't alone while I was away.  Nice timing.
Thank you to everyone who have brought in meals, and continue to bring in meals.  It has been so helpful, as going to the store would take time away from helping Randy.  Not to mention I hate to cook.
Randy is getting better each day.  Today physical therapy is coming in at 10 or 10:30.  I have work in the afternoon but Austen will be home (and hopefully awake) to handle Randy duty as Tanner will be at school.
I still can't believe that if you have over 3,000 in savings you can't qualify for disability.  Doesn't that seem crazy?  If anyone knows anything different please let me know.  Savings only lasts for so long when your income is less that your outgoing bills.  I don't say this to worry anyone.  I really think we will be fine.  It just came as a surprise to me that's all.


  1. I know in dealing with my mom's finances in the past, for her to qualify for disability/state assistance, etc. she couldn't have over $2,000. If it has gone up to $3,000 that is amazing. Pretty frustrating but I guess they have set it up to help the poorest and to discourage fraudulent requests...but it seems to punish the responsible who just need some assistance to get by and encourage others to be irresponsible and spend everything they have.

  2. I agree with Ruthann...Wondering...Can the $ be in your children's accounts instead or do they count also? Good luck & Thank you for being such a wonderful wife to my little bro. You are a Super Women! Let me know if you need ANYTHING.

  3. Ruthann, the reason it is 3,000 is for a family. It is 2,000 for an individual. It does seem as if it punishes those who are ant's and rewards the grasshoppers, but I am sure it also helps those who are in the worst need. It is tempting to 'hide' the money, but there are so many out there right now who are out of work without hopes of finding any that I don't want to take away from those who are worse off. We are just feeling fortunate that we didn't use our savings to add on to the house or go on vacation. We talked about it for a long time but for some reason it didn't feel 'right'. Now we think that this is why.
