Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday = the floors are done

Last night I thought we could sleep at home.  I knew everyone was planning on doing a lot of work on the house.  Tanner was still not asleep at 12pm when the work on the bathroom started.  He had to be right in the thick of it and help.
 The bathroom looks amazing!!  I felt like the home makeover show where the people say they could not have imagined it that beautiful.  That's exactly how I feel.  The counter top is gorgeous.  The tile is elegant.  I am in love.  It almost makes me forget I don't have a tub for Tanner.  The tub is about the only place to contain him these days.
The floors are so warm and pretty.  I really like the color!  It's hard to believe it's the same wood in the kitchen and front room.    Even Jordan kept asking if the wood was new.
The bathroom crew moved bedroom furniture around to make room for Randy's bed and chair.  They did the sink, grout and  then it was 3:30 a.m. and I took Tanner over to the neighbors with me and asked if we could sleep over.  Niki said yes and Tanner was asleep in about 5 minutes.  I was asleep shortly after.  We woke at 11 and came home just as the floor people were putting on the last coat of finish.  This is getting real now.  The hospital bed should arrive at 2.  It will be delivered to the garage as the floor needs 8 hours or so to dry.
We left a basement window unlocked so we can live at home for a little bit.  Tanner was just getting too wound up being gone from home with all the other changes.  The smell is a little bit strong, but not unbearable.

Tanner and I visited Randy last night.  He was doing well, but getting nervous to come home.  He is finally well enough to want his privacy (as he is using the bathroom in bed).  He now has a grabber and another gadget to help himself move his very heavy feet.  This helps him feel a bit more in control.  We are still hoping that ortho will look at his feet before they discharge him.  The doctors on rounds promised me it would be done by Friday, but that was a no go.


  1. Wow! Look at how shinny the floors are! I am excited to see the bathroom! It will be great to have the family in the house again!

  2. Great floor! Do post pictures of the place when you can get back in!!
    So glad he's coming home!

  3. hey Wendy so glad things are getting better... So I didn,t get your post on pizza till late last night, and Melody asked me and Anne Marie Could do Wed. dinner @5... Hope that will work? You family is in all our prayers. Hang in there, Give Randy our Love.
