Saturday, February 5, 2011

Randy shaved! Saturday

 Randy is currently shaving!  Yay for me.  His hair grows fast

  Karly had her first driving range. She got rear ended softly.
 It's all about the slushie for Tanner.  Can't visit without one.

Looking good!
We all get to move into our house on Monday.  Home sweet home.  I can't wait. 
Randy and I have discussed visit's at home.  We decided that people can drop in whenever they want.  If we are sleeping or busy we will put a sign on the door.  Please do not ring bell if the sign is up.  I will also put a book outside that you can leave a note just in case things didn't match up.  I just don't know what to expect at this point.  I hope you can all understand.
Thank you for your love and support.  We could not have done it without all of you.  Discharge time is usually 10 a.m. but because Randy will need two new casts before he leaves we are unsure of an exact time that we will be arriving home.

1 comment:

  1. You are sure to love being home-with Randy-and nice new changes to your house. Wendy, you are an amazing person. Thanks for taking care of my brother! Love, Denise
