Thursday, February 10, 2011

I got some sleep

Today is so much better because I got some sleep.  I had some great help yesterday to take care of the small things that were feeling big with my lack of sleep.  Tanner was able to help Randy go to the restroom.  It was a successful trip with just the two of them!  I was awake for the trip, but so exhausted that Randy wouldn't let me help.  Randy said it went well and he didn't get hurt.
Thank you to everyone for coming over to help!  Both mom's, dad Willes, Brook and Kevin Workman and Sherron.
Later that night Tanner was able to help Randy put his brace on.  Tanner is amazing!  He loves to help and is really great at it.
Stephanie is back from her vacation so she was able to drive carpool today.  Which made it possible for me to go back to bed and take a nap.  Oh happy day.
Randy gets up in the night, but he really doesn't need me.  I have everything he needs in his reach.  I just hear him and want to help out.  He is quiet.  I am just a light sleeper.  So we talked about me sleeping in another room tomorrow night to see if that helps me to sleep better and chase away the grouchies.
Randy is doing amazing.  He was able to get himself from the bed to the chair by himself.  He has eaten a few meals at the kitchen table.  He is getting a lot more upper body strength.  Soon he will be able to wipe on his own.
He is a bit saddened that his right leg is smaller than his left.  Both of them are getting skinny.  He is worried about how long it will take to build his legs back up so he can walk.  I know he is strong and determined, so it won't take too long.  He has remained so positive through this whole thing.  He is really amazing!
I can see how this experience can bring us closer as a family.  Even though it isn't the funnest thing we have ever planned.  As soon as I can get the finances figured out I think my mental fatigue will lighten up and I can join Randy on the happy side.  It isn't the daily tasks that are wearing on me.  It's the paper work and phone calls and how to get out of the red that is worrying me the most.
Today is going to be a great day for Randy and I to finally spend some alone time together while Tanner is at kindergarten so we can talk about our new future together and make some plans.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy--I am close to Tanner's school and home during the day most days. Let me know if I can pinch-hit in the drop off, pick up, homework line of things.
