Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tue Day two

Today I tried to take Cooper to school.  He refused.  Randy tried to help from the bed.  No luck. After 30 minutes I gave up and took Tanner to the dentist.  (After I took Randy to the restroom...long process...and fixed his breakfast)  Came back home and Cooper was still asleep.  He slept until noon.  We all have been working on very little sleep with the house remodel for so long it is getting to us.

Then I made some phone calls, took Randy to the restroom again and fed everyone.  Cooper was up and showered.  I put a few more things away from our 'move' and took both boys to school.  Came back for one hour, talked with Randy a bit.  Then picked boys up early for another dentist appointment.  Then I took advantage of having both boys with me and got their hair cut!  Then home for bathroom and dinner for all.

Daniel is here now and he is showing us a better maneuver for getting the wheelchair in and out of the bathroom. By the time we get the transfer board under Randy, slide him over, put the legs on the chair, try to get around some tight corners, take off the legs, put the board on toilet, transfer again, take out board, pull down pants, do the 'job', wipe (that's my least favorite part, baby bums are cuter) then do it all in reverse order.  Whew!  my back hurts and Randy's body aches.

I can't wait for Randy to sleep through the night.  He wakes for restroom moments and medicine.  It is very much like having baby.  Just without the rocking and the bottles.  I just wish there was a nap time for me:)  I used to nap with my babies.  But when Randy naps I am taking care of my babies, and or working.

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