Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Using the ramp for the first time

On Monday my mom was the first to arrive.  The boys and I slept in the basement.  Mom put posters up for Randy's welcome home.  Randy's parents were next.  Then my brother came with a borrowed van.  We needed one with a chair lift.  NO WAY we could have done it without him.

Trevor was a great driver.  He waited patiently with us for discharge.  The drive home was rough on Randy.  He even got a little bit car sick.  But it was so good to be going home.
Randy's parents waited at the house for the hospital bed to arrive.  By law they were not able to deliver it to the garage.  While they waited Ron was kind enough to put furniture guards on all of my furniture.  Here is the view coming home from the back seat.

After getting Randy settled in the rest of us went to work.  There was so much to do.  Move furniture of course, but also to clean up from the construction mess.  Dust on everything. etc.  We all spent a good four hours cleaning before it was time to stop and have dinner.  Then later that evening the men showed up and installed the toilet and doors.  I continued to clean some more.  Austen helped me get the boys in bed and Randy to the bathroom.

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